For He saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured [helped or aided] thee: behold, now is the accepted time: behold, NOW IS THE DAY OF SALVATION! 2 Corinthians 6:2
Judgment Day – scripture declares we will each stand before God on that day. And on that day the degree of our sins will not matter. Any sin, regardless of its nature and no matter its degree, will be infinitely and eternally judged. If we are not then right with God, if we are not then saved, if we have not received the salvation offered us, then there will be only one possibility – eternal separation from God – eternal judgment.
Judgment Day – scripture declares we will each stand before God on that day. And on that day the degree of our sins will not matter. Any sin, regardless of its nature and no matter its degree, will be infinitely and eternally judged. If we are not then right with God, if we are not then saved, if we have not received the salvation offered us, then there will be only one possibility – eternal separation from God – eternal judgment.
In the end it comes down to two destinies – heaven or hell.
According to God’s Word, what stands between the two
eternities is not how religious we were, not how good or bad we were, or
anything else but one thing: Were we born
again? This fact could not be more clearly stated in Scripture: “Unless one
is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3).
How is a person “born again”? See “Plan of Salvation” on
this blog.
The Bible says, “now” is the time of salvation. Now is the
time to get one’s life right with God. It cannot be put off until tomorrow. The
only day we have is “today”, and the only moment is “now”. The time is late.
Whatever is not right in your life, whatever is not of God or in His will, now
is the time to rule it out of your life. And whatever God is calling you to do
or be, now is the time to do it, to be it, and to rule it into your life.
One way or another, judgment will come. Therefore now is the
time to be saved. Now is the time to do whatever one must do to get right. And
for those who will answer the call, now is the time to become great.
The call has gone forth. One is left with a choice – to
respond or not. Don't put off for tomorrow what God has given you a chance to do today. None of us are promised tomorrow. Again "today" is the day of salvation.
I leave the one reading this with the same words Jesus said: “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear” (Mark 4:9).
I leave the one reading this with the same words Jesus said: “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear” (Mark 4:9).
I offer many Bible studies on my site and/or from your home or mine. If interested please contact me anytime :). Text or call (318)450-2148, or email
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